Youth Red Cross Odisha is the young and vibrant wing of Indian Red Cross Society-Odisha State Branch (IRCS-OSB) functioning in all Colleges and universities. To ignite within the Youth the indomitable will to serve the society, Youth Red Cross, Odisha was formed in the year 1993.
Youth Red Cross, Odisha has the objective to train the Zealous Youth with the fundamental principles of Red Cross so that they may remain unperturbed and develop in them the spirit of selfless service & Volunteerism to serve the most Vulnerable people, globally and locally and it carries out its social commitment and responsibility under the frame of Seven fundamental principles of Red Cross such as Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, Universality.
There are nearly more than 6 lakhs volunteers in more than 2000 Colleges and 2000 trained Counsellors under the Youth Red Cross unit in Odisha.
The objectives of Youth Red Cross (Odisha) is to train the “Zealous” Youth, in the Fundamental Principles of Red Cross, so that they remain “imperturbable, un-wearying, unfaltering” & develop in them the elements of “quiet self-sacrifice” when disasters strike humanity. Keeping this in view the Youth Red Cross endeavors as follows for: