DST-CURIE Supported College

Accrediated With B++ Grade By NAAC


Youth Red Cross

Youth Red Cross has been set up in the college. the objectives of the organisation are to inoculate among the students the ideas ofpeace and social service, especially in relation to their health and that of others. The aims are to promote health care, provides service to the sick and suffering and encourage international friendliness. A member of the teaching staff is nominated as counsellor by the Principal. Office-bearers are nominated from among the students who are members of Red Cross Association. A fee of Rs.15/ is collected from all students for the purpose.


1. Dr.RamanathDwibedi, Assistant Professor, Education

2. Dr.Monalika Rath, Lecturer in Psychology

Programmes and activities

3. Dr. Priyadarshini Parida, Lecturer in Mathematics

26.09.18: Distribution of Albandonzole tablets to the students on the eve of National Deworming Day

26.10.18: Organization of Essay competition on Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder and prevention

28.11.18: Organization of Essay competition on “Know Your HIV Status” on the eve of World AIDS Day

2.12.18: HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme in the College

13.12.18: Campus cleaning under “Swachha Bharat Abhiyan”

04.02.19: Organization of Essay Competition on Worlds Cancer Day

10.02.19:Distribution of Albandonzole tablets to the students on the eve of National Deworming Day

14.08.19: “Swachhata Abhiyan”, Plantation, Essay competition, quiz competition on the eve of Birth Anniversary of M.K. Gandhi

30.10.19: Rally on the eve of vigilance awareness week

10.02.20: Observation of National Deworming Day with distribution of Albandonzole tablets to the students

17.02.20:Mop-up Day for remaining students

21.10.19: Sensitization trainingto the YRC counsellor on the eve of observation ofGlobal Iodine Deficiency Day

02.12.19:Observation of World AIDS Day, Organization of Essay competition, Debate competition and Rally

14.01.20: Observation of 31st National Road Safety Week- 2020

17.01.20:Participation of students in First Aid competition held in F.M. Autonomous College, Balasore

10.12.21:Blood donation camp

Official Letters