To develop the Career and Academic interests through individual counselling and group discussion.
To help students implement successful job strategies.
To create awareness among the students regarding career trends.
To enhance soft skills of the students and make them industry ready.
Cell may launch Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDPs) and self employment guidance sessions for young talents.
Government of Odisha, Higher Education Dept. established Career Counselling Cells in 52 Government colleges vide letter 18157/HE, Dated 23/06/18. A grant of Rs 3 lakh ( 2 lakh in Non-Recurring head for procurement of non-recurring items like Projector, Computer, Printer etc. and Rs1 lakh in Recurring head as honorarium for counsellors and Resource Persons etc.)
Mousumi Das, Assistant Professor in Economics was appointed as Co-ordinator, Career Counselling Cell vide letter no.2264/dt.29-06-18. Mrs Lekha Das, Asst. Professor in Psychology as Assistant Co-ordinator, Sri Bhadrasen Bhoina, Junior clerk as part-time accountant and Sri Krushna Chandra Behera,DWW as peon.
The Career Counselling Cell was discontinued as a scheme of department of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha vide letter 5372/HE/dated 03/02/2021 and as requested vide the letter the unspent amount of Rs.34,036 and the interest amount of Rs. 11,691/- was deposited vide cheques no.026764 and 026765/dated 18-02-21.
However as per the MOU signed with OHEPEE, vide letter 2395/dated 25-10-21,as a part of Annual Performance Milestone(APMs),for Student Career Advancement at least two Career Counselling and two Placement meetings were to be conducted for final year students(Online/Offline) Mode and the expenditure to be met from Non-civil fund allocated to the colleges.