DST-CURIE Supported College

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The crest depicts a swan perched in the petals of a lotus rising above rippling water and surrounded by the luminous halo of the sun. The immortal words of the Upanishads - Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya - meaning "Lead me from Darkness to Light" - are inscribed on it which conveys an invocation for a transition from 'ignorance' to enlightenment': The rippling water signifies the boundless ocean of the 'Samsara' (the world) symbolizing the terrestrial strains of living. The swan is well known in the Indian spiritual tradition as the transparence of the soul and the lotus stands for the symbolic perfection of the inner heart. The halo of the sun symbolizes eternal consciousness that dispels darkness ('avidya'). The hoary line of the Upanishads imbibes the eternal quest of the soul for union with the Divine, which is the epitome of all wisdom and bliss.