DST-CURIE Supported College

Accrediated With B++ Grade By NAAC

College Rules

Academic - Code of Conduct


Students are obliged, as part of their Enrolment and Admission, to read and comply with the Code and all other standards of behavior required by the University's policies and procedures, and to then conduct themselves accordingly.


  • All Students of this college should possess Identity Cards duly signed by the concerned Professor and Principal. If the Identity Card is irrecoverably lost, duplicate Identity Card will be issued only after remitting Rs.30 to the Government.


  • Students are not permitted to take leave without permission for the whole or part of a day.
  • Absence without prior leave permission for part of a day will entail forfeiture of attendance for the whole day.
  • Students absent from the college for more than fifteen consecutive working days without satisfactory explanation are liable to have his/her name removed from the rolls.
  • A student seeking re-admission after such removal should pay the prescribed re-admission fee of Rs.10.
  • Leave of absence should be granted by the Principal on the recommendation of the Head of the Department
  • As far as possible, the permission for leave should be taken in advance. If the reasons of application for leave are not clear or satisfactory, the student will be called upon for explanation or the leave will be refused.
  • Exemption from attendance will not be considered, if the leave application is not in the prescribed form.
  • Application of leave for a period is to be forwarded and granted by the teacher in-charge of the work during that period.
  • Application for leave for more than three days at a time should be supported either by a letter from parent/guardian or by a medical certificate in case of illness. The minimum attendance stipulated by the
  • University is seventy five percent of the total number of working days of the academic year.
  • Exemption from shortage of attendance (subject to the maximum of 20 days) can be granted by the Syndicate on the recommendation of Principal, provided, leave is applied for and granted for such absence on
  • satisfactory grounds.
  • Leave for physical education activities will be granted only to athletes representing the College or the University in various matches, tournaments and sports activities.
  • Students deputed to participate in matches, tournaments and sports events, should submit his/her leave application duly recommended by the Physical Director to the Head of the Departments (Main subject) for
  • necessary action not later than one week after the event.
  • The maximum period for which duty leave can be granted to a student for sports and athleticactivities is limited to 10% of the total number of working days.
  • The students who leave the College are advised to claim the refund of Caution Deposit at theearliest, as unclaimed Caution Deposits will otherwise be lapsed after a specific period.
  • Those students who wish to discontinue their studies should intimate to whom so ever concerned at the end of a term or at any rate before the commencement of the succeeding term.


  • Students of the institution are expected to conduct themselves in the best standards of etiquette within and outside the College. Soon after admission, every student will be given an identity card which should be
    produced ondemand at any time.
  • Students should maintain adequate silence in the college premises during class hours. After the first bell at the end of each working period, an interval of 5 minutes will be allowedduring which all the students must re-assemble for the next class.
  • N.B:- The following rules of the Education Code are also applicable to the students of this college: Every student should be properly dressed.
  • All students are expected to greet the teachers as part of general demeanour
  • No student shall be allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the class is dismissed.
  • Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting in the College or to collect money for any purpose or to circulate any pamphlet without the permission of the Principal.
  • Any student, who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or willfully mischievous, who is guilty of fraudulent or malpractice in connection with examinations or who, in the opinion of the Principal, is
    likely to have an unwholesome influence on his fellow students shall be removed from the rolls.
  • The removal shall be either temporary or permanent according to the gravity of the offence.
  • Students are expected to keep the college campus clean and tidy by leaving the waste materials in the waste bins of the campus and abstain from disfiguring the walls by sticking notices or scribbling.
  • They are not supposed to indulge in any kind of activity that obliterates the vegetation of the campus. The students are prohibited from spitting in open spaces or indulging in other similar uncivil acts.
  • The students of this institution are responsible to protect and preserve the precious heritage buildings and not supposed to cause any kind of damages such as denting, destroying, removing, injuring, altering, defacing, or misusing all of which will be considered as serious punishable offence.


  • The Code of Professional Conduct for teachers serves as a guiding compass as teachers seek to steer an ethical and respectful course through their career in teaching and to uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.
    • Teachers should handle the subjects assigned by the Head of the Department.
    • Teachers should complete the syllabus in time. Teachers shall produce good results in the subjects handled by them and are accountable for the same.
    • Tutor – Ward system must be effectively implemented. Teachers shall monitor the respective group of students who are attached to them.
    • Assignment topics for each course are to be given to the students within a week of the beginning of the semester.
    • Answer books of CIA are to be valued and marks are to be informed to the students. Marks for the assignments, CIA Tests, Seminars if attended are to be entered in the respective report.
    • Teachers should be good counselors and facilitators. They should help, guide, encourage and assist the students to ensure that the Teaching- Learning Process is effective and successful. Value based education must be their motto.
    • Teachers should maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example to the students.
    • Teachers should carry out other academic, co-curricular, administrative and organizational activities that may be assigned to them from time to time.
    • Teachers must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available in the campus unless and otherwise they are assigned duties elsewhere.
    • Prior written permission should be obtained for reporting late in the morning or leaving early in the evening without detriment to their duties.
    • Teachers should sign the attendance register while reporting for duty.
    • Teachers must be aware that their workload is 40 hours a week even though their maximum class hours are only 16 a week for Assistant Professors and 14 for Associate Professors.
    • Teachers should remain in the campus till the end of the College hours.
  3. LEAVE
    • Prior written permission is required from the Principal / at least a day in advance while availing OD.
    • Not more than 25% of staff members in a Department will be allowed to go on OD on a particular day.
    • 15 days of causal leave can be availed in a calendar year.
    • Causal leave can be combined with other holidays. However the total period of continuous absence from duty should not exceed fifteen days.
    • All must report for duty on the reopening day or the last working day of each semester.
    • Medical Leave will be sanctioned only for medical reasons. Medical Certificate must be submitted along with such leave.
    • Study leave for higher studies will be granted at the discretion of Government.
    • Staff members are encouraged to write text books, publish articles in reputed Journals and present papers in Seminars and Conferences.
    • Staff members are encouraged to take up Research projects.
    • Staff members should also attend Faculty Development Programmes, Quality Improvement Programmes etc. to update their knowledge.
    • Staff members are encouraged to undergo Practical Training in Industry and can take consultancy Work as part of Industry – Institute interaction.
    • No teacher should involve himself/ herself in any act of moral turpitude on his / her part which may cause impairment or bring discredit to the institution.
    • Teachers should attend the College neatly dressed.
    • Teachers are barred from using cell phones while taking classes.
    • Heads of Departments must keep the Department’s time table and individual teacher’s time tables.
    • Teachers are encouraged to conduct research on their topic of interest. The college will provide necessary infrastructure for the same.
    • Teachers are expected to attend Department academic association meetings, seminars etc and also college functions like Sports Day, College Day, Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations without fail.
    • Teachers are expected to volunteer, to take up extra classes for students of Certificate, Diploma and other Career Oriented Programmes.
    • Unless it is urgent, any representation in person to the Principal can be made only after College hours.
    • HODs are responsible for all the college properties belonging to their department. It is their responsibility to keep them clean and in working order.
    • Any loss or damage to their property (like, tables, chairs, lab equipment, chemicals, electrical and electronic appliances) must be reported to the Principal in writing immediately.
    • It is their duty to extract work from the non-teaching staff in keeping the Department clean & tidy.
    • All department meetings of teachers shall be held only after 3.30 p.m. and not during class hours. No department staff meeting should be held at the cost of class hours.